Friday, July 21, 2006

Faith Cannot Overcome Stupidity

Once upon a time, I was often told by friends and family that I could always see the good in people, the good in situations, the good in the world, no matter how bleak the outlook seemed to other people. I'm proud that, often, I can still carry on that way, though adulthood brings you a plethera of reasons to see the world as a cup half-full. But I like to be happy, like thinking the world is a good place, full of more good people than bad ones. I tend to surround myself with people who are honest and love life and carry themselves in an honorable way. But every once in a while, my faith in people gets blown to smithereens like a seagull sucked into a jet engine. Pieces of my faith are splattered about today, and I'm not sure if it can be put back together.

My faith in people has been tested before, don't get me wrong. And often, I knew that my faith in someone was, in itself, in good faith. But never before has someone so blatantly and rawly looked me in the eyes and then squeezed the trigger. Never before has someone taken the past and so delusionally twisted it into a new reality. Never before have I not had some retort, some response, some reaction to gather up my pieces and carry on. I am at a loss.

Without going into all the sordid details, I can tell you this. Some people do not deserve such blind faith. Some people are far too stupid to realize that friendships are fragile things, but based on a common thing- truth and trust. When one thing is obliterated, the other follows. I'm not sure why that seems to be such a complicated concept. I'm not sure why some people are so stupid as to think that when they full out admit to being deceitful, that everything will be ok, simply because they admitted it. Stupidity can only be excused so many times. Stupidity, though some might think would decrease with time, seems to multiply rapidly with each year that goes by. Stupidity, at its purest form, is cancerous. It spreads through braincells at warp speed, engulfing any bright spots or intelligent notions.

Though I often forgive friends and they forgive me, as good friends are bound to do, some things cannot be forgiven. Good faith, in some cases, just simply cannot overcome stupidity in its purest form. Stupid is as stupid does. I've been dumb enough to have faith when I was told it was a waste of time. I won't make the same mistake twice. Bring the mop and broom. It's time to clean shop. Faith needs an extreme makeover.


At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Yeah. I'm not sayin' nuthin' other than "I know."

Bet it felt good to purge a bit, eh?


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