Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bloody Murder


Imagine that noise in the highest pitched, loudest volume possible, and that is Evan's new addition to a temper tantrum. It's priceless. Really. You should all hear it sometime. Soon.

Thanks to my friend at Speckblog, today we have initiated the "Naughty Spot" where timeouts will now, hopefully, be successful. So far, so good. I chose "Spot" over "Seat" or "Step" because we're on the go so much. I figure this way I can designate something as the "Naughty Spot" and it's the basically the same thing as the "Naughty Mat" that is suggested you take with you to places - I hope.

Today, the Naughty Spot was used successfully 5 times. The kid is breaking it in well.

Naughty Spot 1. Hitting Mommy
Naughty Spot 2. Hitting Mommy
Naughty Spot 3. Pure Defiance while walking away from Mommy after an instruction.
Naughty Spot 4. Hitting Mommy
Naughty Spot 5. Dumping Popcorn all over the chair and then saying, "NO, YOU DO IT!" when I asked him to clean it up.

There was a threat for Naughty Spot 6 when Evan decided to throw his toybox over sideways, spilling toys everywhere. He knows he is not allowed to do that, so I asked him to clean it up and he said, "NO!". I said, "Do you want to go to the Naughty Spot?". He actually paused and then said, "No, I don't like the Naughty Spot." Then I told him to clean it up and there would be no Naughty Spot, and sure enough, the kid cleaned it up.

Of course, we still have a couple hours to go here, but so far, it's working. I stay calm, he calms down eventually instead of getting riled up, and he seems to get the point when we're done. Today was a good day. Thanks Krissy!


At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All my fingers are cossed for The Naughty Spot.

Good luck! And I have a feeling I will eventually hear the shrill scream of death.


At 6:15 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

HAH! You win! YAY!

The little boogers do anything in the world for control and we're supposed to block every attempt they make.

It's like being a goalie in a soccer game. If the kid trying to score is bad, effort isn't that much. If your kid is good at soccer, you're screwed.

The exhaustion is the worst. You're doing a fantabulous job and you prevented bad behavior! YAY!

It's so hard. Hooray for you!


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