Awww, isn't she sweet
Palin gave a great speech last night, written, of course, by Bush's speech writers. But, as a Democrat who actually wanted to be given some reason to like her should she actually become VP, I like her less than I did yesterday. The speech came across as mean and at a 4th grade level of playground politics. Not too mention, it was totally full of Obama policy lies. But I didn't hear a specific on what McCain plans to do- just a lot of lies about what Obama plans to do. I guess McCain's speech writers are waiting to see the poll results today to finish up what they will promise to do tonight.
And, really, McCain when standing next to Palin just looks so.... well, old. Older than dirt old. If he wanted to punctuate his age more clearly, he definitely got the job done. He looked like an awkward old scarecrow up there on stage next to her last night.
And Palin basically said she has more executive experience than the other three candidates on the tickets combined. Yay. Good for her. I still shudder at the thought of her becoming the president of this country when McCain has a grabber and bites the big one.
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