Friday, November 10, 2006

7 Days of Torture

Aunt Flow was 7 days late. SEVEN. We have discussed child #2, and I was fairly certain I was ready. Now I know I am.

I just spent a boatload of money on home pregnancy tests, all for a big fat negative each and every morning I was late. And I am never late. So who knows why my body decided this was the month to be late, but it did, and I was. But not anymore.

But those seven days gave me a lot to think about and process. Can I handle two children? How would I handle my business? Would I have to go back to work part time? What on earth do I do when I have only two hands and two children? When my two year old is up every 3 hours, could I juggle that with nursing, no sleep, and an infant that wakes every 3 hours as well AND still be a good mom in the morning? How do I get the contorting, kicking, screaming 2 year old in the car when one hand is holding a baby? Will I ever sleep? Will I ever eat? Will I ever have time for me? Will I ever have time for anything? Am I insane?

But all in all, when Aunt Flow arrived, I kissed my husband happily when he came home from work. I told him that we were not pregnant, and he warily asked if that was a good thing. When I was still all cheerful and happy after numerous cantankerous toddler episodes, he curiously looked at me and said in his "you're up to something" voice, "What do you want?".

And I answered honestly and whole-heartedly with 100% certainty, "A baby."

His eyebrows raised, as he probably thought "umm, I thought we had already decided that a baby was something on the horizon", but didn't say anything. How could I tell him that, up until I was 7 days late, I had doubted that I could do it successfully, much less do it at all! But thanks to Aunt Flow showing up a bit off schedule, now I know.

I want a baby.


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeze, after that, if Russ isn't on board I'll give you one!!

Remember when E said,"I want to be a big brother too!" He he.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I saw the YAH "commercial" on S. Patt's blog.....and it's amazing.....and it made me cry....and you are doing a wonderful thing...and please....always keep me in mind when you are need of volunteers.'ll be a great Mama...for two :-)

Best, Kristin

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

If you can't see me, try looking for someone a violent shade of green.

I hope you fall right away. That would be so cool.


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