Friday, December 01, 2006

I Ate My House

After 12 days on Weight Watchers, I finally cracked. I ate my house.

After 12 days of being good, counting points, weighing in, and making excruciatingly painful food decisions, I fell off the bandwagon.

I feel terrible. And full.

Oh, and I only went over my daily point allowance by 5 points. And I've barely touched my weekly allowance, so even though I went and ate the whole house, I'm still good for the week. How is this possible? How?

Maybe my stomach is adjusting. Maybe I'm craving better things. Maybe I just got lucky. But man, did it feel like I ate everything in site. But I wanted cheese and thought That's 3 points, what a waste. I should eat some pretzels with cream cheese instead. Yum.

Tomorrow and Sunday will be hard, because my husband is home, and he is a bad influence. He could use a little WW himself, but I don't push. He just has to eat the dinner I make, and that will have to be a good start. But I think I'm done eating everything in site. It was a good binge. I needed it. But hopefully now, I'm done.


At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they say. . .if you're gonna cheat, do it right!

Glad it was tastey and hopefully you'll still stay on the ol' wagon.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

Hey sweetie. I updated the WWJ and while I ate a BOX OF COOKIES earlier this week and have not been journalling anything, I still lost 1.4 for the past two weeks.

One of the things that worries me about your plan is that you have to eat some of your flex points for the week. You don't have to eat all of them, but you can really stall your weight loss if you don't eat any of them. One of the things my leader asks if someone reports that their weight loss is stalling is if the person is eating some flex points. Because the WW program is set up so that it keeps your body from entering starvation mode. If you enter starvation mode then your body will stall weight loss, convert ALL calories that it gets to fat, and kick in the MUST EAT NOW cravings.

Also, make sure you're adding in any activity points and eating those. From what I'm reading you are actually coming in way low on your points allowance. It's great, but I don't want to see you set yourself up for a fall. You should be losing 1-2lbs a week. More than that and your body will rebel.

At least, that's what I've been told.

Going over 5 points is nothing and is, in fact, good for you in moderation.

You're doing amazingly well. CONGRATULATIONS!

And it wasn't a box of cookies.


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