Monday, December 04, 2006

Nuh Uh!

Our kid is undeniably adorable. I know every parent says that, but it's one of those defense mechanisms that is needed for every human to WANT to procreate more than once. It's one of the things that gets you through the tantrums, the late nights, the long days. And let's face it, few things melt the heart of a jaded adult, but this kid has got heart-melting covered.

For lack of concentration, here's a list of the latest cute-isms Little E has been spouting:

If you ask him a question, like "do you want more milk?" "No, not yet" or my favorite, NUH UHHH!
If Payton, our dog, steals some of his food off the table, he no longer says "No NO RaRa!", but now simply states in the most official of tones, "Payton, You A Bad Dog."
He'll turn on lights, take my pony tail holder out of my hair, rearrange stuff on the counter, and whenever he changes something, he asks, "There! Is that better?" or simply states, "There. That's better."
If you are in his way, it's simply "YOU GO AWAY!" Of course, on the path to manners, he is reminded of what he should really say, and then it becomes "Scooz Me Peas". Too freakin' cute.
And lastly, his new thing: if I'm on the phone, he simply repeats over and over "YOU PUT IT BAAACK" Until I have hung up the phone.
Oh, and yesterday, for no apparent reason other than self-amusement, he coutnted to 12 in Spanish while taking a bath. I had no idea he could count in Spanish at all. Turns out, he watched Baby Einstein Numbers with dad over the weekend and picked it up. Sweet. I was impressed he count to 50 by himself already, but picking up a foreign language by watching a dvd? Awesome.

People without a two year old may think these things are not so adorable, but when you do it all in that little people voice with the confidence of someone at least 5 times his age, you can't help but grin at this little man, who feels the needs to rule the world, or at least the house. I can't help but love him to pieces, and am proud of him each and every day.


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He seriously blows my mind every time I see him.

He's adorable and brilliant. Quick--have another one!!! You're obviously good at it :-)


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