Saturday, May 26, 2007

Greenish and Getting Greener

So, the 30 days is pretty much up, and I'd like to report on us going "Greener".

Here are my reviews for a few of the products we've used:
1. Seventh Generation Products- basically, 2 thumbs up for everything except the dishwasher detergent. I might as well just put the dishes on the floor and let the dogs lick them clean. They'd do a better job. However, I am in love with the laundry detergent, chlorine-free bleach, and fabric softener. It's just a great feeling to put on clothes knowing they haven't just been doused in chemicals and called "clean".

2. Method (available at Target)- we bought the plant-based fabric softener sheets first. Oh my, the laundry smells awesome. And, earth-friendly bonus, you use the sheets multiple times before throwing them away! We've also tried the glass cleaner (great!), the soy candles (yummy!), and the hand soap. Over all, we've cut our chemical consumption by 95%, and will go to 100% as soon as I can find something to take lime off the damn shower walls without chemicals.

3. Organic foods- we're probably only at 40% consumption here. It's expensive, but sooo good. But, as a bonus, I found an organic place that delivers produce and meat, and a small selection of pantry goods, so I don't need to go to Whole Foods. Dominick's has a much bigger selection of Organics than it used to, but I'm not sure I'm trusting it all the way, especially the milk. But, as more and more is discovered with the whole pet food/people food tainting by China, I think we'll be all organic within a couple of months. I just can't justify taking the risk and poisoning my family.

4. All lightbulbs in the house are now energy-saving. All laundry, minus the stinky dog beds, are washed in cold water. And we've only turned on the air conditioner once thus far.

So, that's my "Greenish" report on what we're doing to go "Green". Not bad for 30 days time!


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