Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It was the bestest day I've never known!

Preschool is awesome. Very awesome. Evan loves every minute of it, except for the minute where I come to pick him up to go home. The instant he sees me, his little lip starts to tremble, his eyes well up, and he stares at me as if I have crushed his little spirit, and he says "I stay here. You go away!".

The other parents laugh and always say "oh, that must be a good sign!", and thankfully, I'd rather have him crying when he leaves school versus crying when I drop him off. After he gets over the initial shock that, yes, good things come to an end, he puts on his little backpack, climbs up the stairs, grabs my hand, and is happy as a lark for the rest of the day.

We chit chat about what he did at school, what they sang, what they drew, who he played with, and he is ecstatic. He loves every minute, every second, every ounce of oozing fun-ness and newness about it. I love that he loves it. It makes me burst with pride and happiness for him. And even better is that almost every conversation ends with this:

"Mommy, today was da bestest day I've never known!"


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that last line is totally making me cry right now! I can hear his little voice and see his little smile and oh my god, my heart just exploded.


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