Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Such A Big Boy

It's been a monumental weekend around here, with two full days without diapers and ZERO accidents. Sunday was the start of "no diapers for big kids", inspired by Speckblog. We ditched the diapers and donned Cars undies, and began the chant, "Do you have to go potty?"

Evan gets a sticker on his potty chart for every time he tries to go potty. At the end of an entire row, he gets a prize. This chart has gathered dust until just this past week, where finally we are picking up speed. We even had an official poop on the potty both days, which is beyond exciting. What's more exciting is the light bulb going off in Evan's head. Thank God for that light bulb!

Last night, Evan got mad when I pulled out the pull-ups to go to bed. "No! I wear Unduhwewr! I uh Big Kid!" We explained the pee-pee while you sleep thing, and he begrudgingly accepted, but after I buy a waterproof mattress pad, he can wear underwear 24/7.

That's the other thing. Today we are going to buy him a full-size bed. A true "big kid" bed. His toddler bed has run out of room for his restless nights of toddler dreams, and by morning, he ends up with all of his blankets and pillows, sleeping soundly on the floor. It kills me. I have a sneaking suspicion that once he gets a solid night's sleep again, his terrorizing with fists will subside some. Maybe not, but I can hope, right?

It seems like just yesterday when I was peering down at his little infant self, bundled like a burrito in his blanket, in the middle of his crib, which seemed so huge and endless around his body. I remember thinking we should have bought a bassinet. Now we're shopping for a full size bed.

It goes so fast. It breaks my heart, but I'm so proud of him at the same time. Such a Big Boy.


At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for Potty Training! Holy Christ is he getting big. I don't know if I'm ready for this.


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