Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pucker Up, Baby!

So I'm upstairs putting some laundry away, and I hear a giggle, something metal and hollow like get banged into something a few times, more giggling, a little fake whistling (Evan likes to pretend he can whistle by simply Woot-wooing in a high pitched tone to songs), and more giggling. This is in a span of, oh, 30 seconds.

"Evan, what are you doing?"

No answer. Always a bad sign. But there it is again, that hollow metallic-like sound.

So, I drop what I am doing and rush down the hall, only to smell Evan before I actually see him. What is that smell? Sniff sniff. S'mores??

Evan makes it to the top stair and yells, Ta-DA! Arms flung wide, he meets me with a smile that is hidden behind a gigantic smear of chocolate. I am puzzled. Where did he get chocolate?

"Mommy, I made a dwink!" Uh oh.

So, I peer over the railing into the family room below, and there on the coffee table is the explanation for the hollow metallic-like boing I had heard. The can of Ovaltine is on it's side, and the coffee table is dusted in the powdery drink mix. A sippy cup with a lid halfway on is parked right in the middle of it.

I stop to ponder the damage, and Evan says again, "Mommy, I made a dwink! It was yummy!"

His hair, his face, his shirt, his hands, and even his feet are covered in heavenly chocolate dust. He is very proud of this accomplishment. I can't help but laugh. He looks and smells good enough to eat.

"Now into the tub!"

Pucker up, baby! I've got lips like sugar!


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I can't even stand it!


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