Saturday, May 26, 2007

For The Next Kid

My friend at Back To Me has already decided that, with the birth of their first child, they will be using good, old-fashioned cloth diapers. While I can't say that I am envious, I can say that she is stepping into a brave, new old-world, that at my Greenest, I will never step into. I'm too lazy and have way too many dogs that would enjoy soiled cloth diapers awaiting laundrying.

However, I know that with the thousands of disposable diapers my soon-to-be 3 year old has gone through, I'll need to make some conscious decision with the next kid in the diapering decision. Only did I just learn that chlorine is one of the main chemicals used in making disposable diapers- ugh. Sorry buddy! I didn't know!

So, in doing some research, I found these. And, I think I can handle these babies no problem. What do you think? Could you handle these versus disposables? Versus Cloth?

I'm intrigued. Now we just have to have Mother Nature take it's course so I can try them out on the next offspring!


At 8:51 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

Hmmmm... They look like a great solution, if they work. Frequently Wallace would change shape and we'd have to switch brands to find a diaper that was the right fit for him.

I'll be very interested to hear if they work. So, basically, I'm waiting for you to get knocked up.


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell you could have asked and I would have told you about those months ago!

I looked into those but they are more expensive than regular cloth, so to us that's not an option. Maybe I'll get pregnant a few months before you and I'll give you a report on the cloth (and you can practice on our kid and see how you do!) and let you know. I think we'll go with Mother Ease or BumGenius. Or both.

At 5:12 AM, Blogger YAHPR said...

You go right on with your bad self and those cloth diapers. I'll use 'em on your kid cuz it's your kid, but knowing just how bad explosions are in traditional diapers, I'm just not the mom for the cloth ones! Not yet, anyway!

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm down with the G diapers.


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