Thursday, June 14, 2007

3 And Counting

On June 6, 2004, you decided to come into this world a few days before scheduled, upside down and in your way of yelling at the tops of your lungs and then looking around to see what you were yelling about. Our world changed dramatically, but it is so much better with you being in it.

One year ago, you could barely talk. When you turned two, it was like someone turned on the vocabulary faucet and the words just started pouring out. It was so fun to talk to you! Really talk, with a response. Your expressions and descriptions are a source of constant amusement for us, and we eat it up.

What many people don't know is that you are my assistant, my partner in crime, my confidant, my best buddy. Not a day goes by where you are not right here, helping me to grow as I help you to grow. You have taught me more about myself in these last 3 years than I could ever thank you for. Like how to find laughter in just about every situation. To leave when you are ready. To stay up late if it means you can be with your friends. To sometimes eat a cookie over a vegetable. To demand fairness loudly and often. To speak up when I think something is not right. To call someone out on their bullshit, even if it is in the middle of a dinner party. To learn how to play nicely with others, even if you don't really like them. To dance enthusiastically when something goes your way, even for something as simple as getting the car in the new garage for the first time. To tell someone you love them when they are sad or having a bad day. To say I love you as a bold declaration each and every time you say it. You have taught me all of this and so much more.

At 3 years old, you are now a little boy. You frequently tell me so. You can hold conversations with the 10 year old next door, constantly impress the bankers with your counting skills, you can write the whole alphabet without help and can write all your numbers up to 20. You have insane talent in the word recognition department ("Look mom! That word says alphabet!" "Look! That word says improvement!") and want to read so badly that you will pick up any book, magazine, or piece of mail and try to find a word you know. You sing loudly and on key to entire songs while whittling away the time in your room or outside. Your toys have entire conversations now instead of just crashing into each other. Your sentence structures are that of a child much older and other parents often ask incredulously how old you are.

Of course, you are still 3. You have melt downs on a whim and test my patience on a daily basis. You spill juice while trying to pour it yourself and then wipe it up with your socks that are still on your feet, and then continue to walk through the house. You tip things over just to see how big the mess is, and find all sorts of ways to impress upon me that you still need me. And believe me, kid, I love every minute.

Happy Birthday, kiddo. I love you bunches.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Krissy said...


He's just so darn adorable. So totally boy. I love that kid.


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