Friday, June 29, 2007

Knocked Up

No, not me. We saw the movie last night. Hilarious. Totally, true to life (well, minus the hollywood bit), funny.

When we got pregnant with Evan, we weren't expecting it. I was on the pill, we were only talking marriage, and life was still open to wherever the wind took us. So this movie was even funnier with some bits that I completely recalled in our situation.

But that movie and our sort-of-trying-without-trying status got me thinking today. What IF Evan hadn't happened then? What if we were only trying now? What if these past 3 years plus the 9 months had been baby-free? Scary thought. I don't really want to think about it. Anyway, back to the movie.

There's one scene in the movie where every pregnancy stick in the store it bought, and every one turns positive, so they keep trying for a negative, as if the majority were lying. Seriously, I did the same thing. I kept peeing on sticks, thinking they were wrong! Now I pee on sticks, hoping to God the negative is wrong. Crazy how the world turns on its head sometimes. Of course, with a husband working 80 hours a week right now, I don't expect any stick to ACTUALLY turn positive, but a day or two before my period, I try anyway, knowing it may not show up yet even if it were going to be positive. The pregnancy test part was just far too amusing.

The characters are real flawed-like people who are tossed into a situation that happens in everyday life. Nothing was neat or tidy, and at times, the movie is quite vulgar, but you feel for the main characters, even when they are being idiots. You just can't help it.

So, not really an in-depth review of a movie, but two thumbs up anyway. If you've ever been pregnant, want to be pregnant, or even just had a pregnancy scare, this movie will make you laugh. You may even find yourself just thinking, "oh crap!" what if that HAD happened that one time??? Great movie.


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your title totally freaked me out!


So, we should see it then? Since we're trying like mo' fo's?


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