Monday, July 23, 2007

Just Do It.

If I were a Nike Ad, my slogan would be "Maybe Tomorrow". Or possibly, "Later Will Be Here Soon Enough".

I am a procrastinator at heart, only throwing myself into things that I am fairly sure I'll be good at and that I will succeed in. Or that I will enjoy. Anything else, I put off until I don't have any more time to put it off to.

But, in an odd "I am my own destiny" sort of mode, I started running again. And damn, it's hard to run when you are fat. Thighs do not help you run gracefully when they squish against each other with each thud of your foot. My advice to those graduating from high school- never stop running. It sucks to learn how all over again. So don't stop.

I found a nice little marsh with a path by our new house, and it's quiet and nice, and lots of people run there. I tried running around the neighborhood, but I am too self-conscious in an area where everyone pays attention to their neighbors. I can imagine them smirking and saying "go, fat girl, go!" They probably aren't, but it doesn't help that my brain tells me they are.

The funny thing I always forget is how quickly your body adjusts to exercise. How after one time, I could not walk up or down stairs for 3 days, but just a week later, I am stiff only for a few minutes in the mornings. Makes me want to keep running- nah, not really.

But, I am going to. At least until its too damn cold to breathe comfortably, and then I'll try the treadmill, which I hate with a passion. Maybe I'll lose weight, maybe I won't. But I'd like to think I'm going to be one of those old folks who wears out, not rusts out. Better start now- well, maybe in a bit...


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want more local trail locations, just let me know. Also, by the Dominicks, there is a little gym called Fitness 19. They have all the great Life Fitness equpiment, but no classes or locker room. For that trade off, you pay only $19 a month. I love working out frills, but CHEAP.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Ki said...

The biggest "amen" in the whole world. I'm right where you are. Just don't give up. It's so comforting to know I'm not the only one learning how to run... again.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock it!


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