Little E- Skool is Tool!

So, we did it. First week of preschool under our belts. And it was heartbreaking and uplifting and liberating all at once.
Evan started Tuesday, and was so excited he practically skipped out the door, little Diego back pack and all. He left the house with his official "in case of emergency" clothing, a snack labeled with his name, and lots of energy. I couldn't wait and neither could he! Daddy even came with, too, so he knew something was truly special about this day.
We arrived at the preschool along with another gaggle of parents, and Evan immediately got shy and quiet and decided to give in to the lure of the ginormous bookshelves of toys. He didn't want to join the other kids at the table, and it took a good 5 minutes of convincing that he should go play with Play-Doh like the other kids. When he finally sat down, we gave him a hug, told him to be a good boy and to tell Ms. M if he had to go potty, and calmly left his little self at the big table, in the hands of a stranger for the first time ever in his life.
I worried, of course, but more about poor Ms. M than Evan. Would he hit? Kick? Yell like a crazy child? I awaited a terrible report, only because I know how he is about conforming already. But when I arrived a few hours later, I asked how he did, and she geniunely replied with a smile "He did great!". I raised an eyebrow and said, "No problems?" and again, geniune with the answer, "Not at all. He did great.". Wow!
Of course, when he saw me come down the stairs, his little eyes welled up, his lip trembled, and he defiantly sat in his chair and said, "You go away. I stay here." Hooray! He liked school. He then proceded to punch me in the side of the head when I pulled up a seat next to him. Ok, we'll have to work on that.
When I told him there was a surprise in the car for good boys who got through their first day at school, he forgot his anger at having to leave and said a cheerful goodbye and we were on our way. He made friends, sang songs, and got to do some seriously awesome artwork.
Day 2 of preschool he practically dashed out the door to get there, barely acknowledged that I was leaving, and didn't even try to punch me when I picked him up, though he was mad again. Progress, and in the best way.
When you ask him what he thinks of school, he says, "Skool is Tool!" I think so, too. A few hours to myself, to do what I want, is almost beyond belief. After all, staying at home with him, my life has not been mine for THREE YEARS. I don't get a break, I don't get a nap, nothing. I've been on duty 24/7, 365, non-stop. I have no idea what to do now.
But I think I might sign up for the gym across the street. It's cheap and it's convenient. I could go work out, go grocery shopping and then go get him. Or I could go home and read a book or clean or do absolutely freakin' nothing.
Oh, the possibilities! I love that my little guy is old enough to go off on his own, even in such a small chunk of time. He enjoys it, I enjoy it, and I think we're all going to like this school thing!
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