Monday, October 29, 2007

The Eve of the Eve of Halloween

Evan's new favorite song is Frera Jacka, but instead of singing the "normal" words, it goes something like this:

"I want to hit you. I want to hit you. Yes I do! Yes I do! I want to hit you. I want to hit you. Because I do. Because I do."

The good thing is that this little ditty has pretty much replaced most actual hitting. The bad thing is that his favorite made-up song is full of violence. Ah, Violent Rock. It starts so young.


We have a big Frankenstein on our front door- you know, the flimsy cardboard type, complete with "moveable" limbs, that you tape to the door and hope it lasts through this year? Anyway, we bought one that was sort of "cartoony" for Evan's sake.

The first 2 weeks went something like this:

Door Opens.
Door Opens.

The last week or so goes more like this:
"Hiya Fwank!" Proceeds to give Frank a high five. "Seeya Yater, Fwank!"


I actually made Evan's costume this year. He wants to be a ghost. Has wanted to be a ghost since the minute Halloween was mentioned. He hasn't even turned to look at the the pre-made costumes I've tried to lure him into. He would just shake his head, and almost in defiance say, "no, I want to be a Dhost!" So, he's been wearing a sheet of fleece over his head with 2 little eye holes for the past 3 weeks like it's made of a million dollars. Finally, this weekend, I slaved away at the sewing machine and actually made my own little ghost costume for him, complete with hood and a cloth "mask" that he can flip out of the way if he gets sick of the ghost thing. It looks damn sweet, if I do say so myself. He was so excited, he put it on, screamed at himself in the mirror, and promptly announced:

"Mommy, I don't want to be a ghost anymore. I want to be a dinosaur! "

Yeah. You'll all be seeing his ghost pictures. Screw the dinosaur.


When asked what he was going to be for Halloween, Evan obediently told the next door neighbor, "A Dhost!" He then proceeded to tell the neighbor that she was going to be a Witch and Grandma was going to be Spiderman. The neighbor just laughed, but I'm not sure what Grandma is going to do when she hears that Evan expects her to be wearing tights and a mask this Halloween.


At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Fwank is priceless.

Kudos to you for making the ghost costume. Maybe he can be a ghost that carries a dinosaur TOY? Huh?

(Sorry. That's all I've got. I'm not a mom YET)

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Krissy said...

That's okay, Wallace has been telling his teachers, apparently, that for Halloween he is going to be a CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE.

He is not, of course, going to be a chocolate chip cookie.

Little liar.

I demand dhost pictures. If they're good I'm going to start calling you Martha Stuart.

Isn't it funny that her name is still totally synonamous with handy dandy party planning and not so much with the clink?


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