Tuesday, October 02, 2007

May Day! May Day!

It's official. We miss Daddy. We had our first major meltdown today, and when I say "we", I mean "we".

First Evan punched the dog hard enough to make the dog yelp. Then I yelled at Evan, who snottily said "sorry" to the dog, so I told him it was time for the naughty spot. Fast forward to kicking, screaming, seething ball of 3 year old and seething mommy trying to get said kid to stay on the naughty spot. My blood pressure was waaaay up, so I myself sat in my "naughty spot" to cool down while Evan carried on, throwing his naughty spot (aka, the chair) across the room and glaring at me, daring me to make him sit, which I eventually did, but not without practically losing an eye to a flying kick and not without physically holding him down like a crazy prisoner. The whole time he's sobbing, screeching, and just going ballistic.

10 minutes later, when the timer finally went off, I asked him why he punched the dog.
"Because I don't know what to do."
"About what?"
"I am vewy vewy sad."
"Why are you sad? Do you miss Daddy?"
"Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

The absolute heart-wrenching thing was how hard this poor child sobbed. He put his whole soul into missing his daddy, you could feel his heart just writhing in pain. I scooped him up and told him how much I missed Daddy, too, and that he'd be home soon, and we talked about all the fun stuff we'd do when daddy got home. All this through my own tears, missing daddy, too.

When he calmed down, he sniffled and confided, "I wuv daddy, really really, a lot."

I know, buddy. Me, too.

Two days to go.


At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god now I'm crying and I miss daddy FOR you!


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