Sunday, September 23, 2007

Go Cubs Go!

Right now, hubby is enjoying his second row Cubbies tix while I am tending to the kid. Sigh. Oh well. But, damn, the Cubbies are on fire! Wahoo!

I've been a Cubs fan forever. I remember being really small and watching Cubs games at my Gram's house in the summer time, singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and later "Go, Cubs, Go!" at the top of our lungs. Summer just wasn't summer unless the Cubs were on the radio or the tv somewhere.

Thankfully, I married me a Cubs fan. A true Cubs fan, not one of those "yeah, I like the Cubs" when they are winning fans. And now, Evan is a little Cubbie bear :) We took him to a game last month, and he liked the cheering and the yelling and the singing, though I'm not sure he could figure out just where the heck that speck of a ball was at most of the time. It rained, but we had fun, and those are the kind of memories I hope he will have about the Cubs when he is my age.

Daddy couldn't be prouder of his little Cubs fan. When you ask Evan who his favorite baseball team is, he yells triumphantly, "Da Tubbies!" and then will sing a rowdy version of "Tate Me Out To Da Bawl Game!" Complete with "ONE! TWO! THREE STRITES AND DEN YOU ARE OUT OF DA OLE BAWL DAME!!!!"

Even if you're a Sox fan, you gotta admit, it's still freakin' cute.


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