Thursday, December 27, 2007

We're busy bailing ourselves out of the Christmas flood of presents for Evan, and I'm busy digging myself out of work, but here are a few amusing things from this Christmas. I'll leave the drama for another post.


Evan was admiring a necklace I put on, since I rarely wear necklaces. It's an open diamond-shape, with a little speck of diamond on the bottom corner. I said, "Look Evan, this is from your Uncle P and Aunt L. Isn't it pretty? It's shaped like a diamond, right?" He took the charm in his little hands, looked up at me, and said, "But Mommy, did you get this from Zales The Diamond Store?".


The night before Christmas Eve, Evan got all upset when we started to let the fire die out in the fireplace. "But Mommy! Santa won't be able to see our chimney! He'll get lost!" When we explained that Santa could find the chimney, and that he wouldn't be coming down it until the next night, and that we didn't want Santa to burn his butt when he came down the chimney anyway, he was all ok with the fire going out. But then on Christmas Eve night, when the fire was still blazing when he went to bed, he wailed and pleaded to put the fire out, "cuz if Santa burn his butt, he be real mad and won't put any presents under da tree!"


We have a new cat named Conner. Conner is a cute orange tabby that is as friendly as they come. Somehow, the trailers for the movie, The Waterhorse and Conner's arrival have entwined themselves in Evan's imagination. Somehow, the cat is now a waterhorse. Evan will get this glint in his eye and say, "Mommy, have you seen a Waterhorse around here?" and then will spy Conner and say , "Hello, Waterhorse!"



At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't get over just how stinkin' cute your kid is. Man oh man.


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