Monday, July 28, 2008

More Ramblings

We were at a BBQ yesterday and a man showed up with his beautiful silver dog. Hubby said, "what kind of dog is that?" to me and I said it was probably a Weimereiner and a Labrador cross. The dog had a face of a Weimie and the body of a Lab, but had the Weimie's silver coat. So as he's walking around, what is he calling his dog? A Silver Lab. What??? So I looked it up online when I got home and there are indeed "Silver Labs". They are registered as chocolate labs, but have a genetic make up that makes their coats silver. Pretty cool. Of course, they go for $1500 a pop, so as someone who works for the humane side of the animal industry, all I see are a new "designer" breed that everyone HAS to have, and soon they will be cranked out in puppy mills all around the country, just like the chocolate labs were when they became popular. Sigh.


We got to see our friends' twins at a week and a half old this weekend. They are so freakin' adorable, I can hardly stand it. So small, so perfect. And one of them will be our God-child! Baby C is going to be our little God-daughter, and we're very honored. The thing that makes me proudest of our friends is that they've worked these two little bundles right into their lives. We had baby conversation, of course, but oh my! There were other things to talk about! I'm so glad they haven't become those parents and are enjoying the fullness of their new lives with their children, not simply for their children. It makes me happy to see them already living such wonderfully balanced lives, albeit tired ones. Never can anyone tell me they are tired again unless they have two or more babies that wake up every two hours. That's like some sort of reality show challenge if you ask me. Oh, and little preemie girls with teeny tiny toes and teeny tiny hands and in dresses? Sweeeet!


So, it's finally happened. Evan has been asked to join the kindergarten class through his preschool. He just turned 4. The class is held by the park district, and it is meant to find the early K kids. So far, Evan has been the only one asked to join it, so I'm not sure there will be a class yet! But, we're proud of him and it makes me feel better to know we're not the only ones who thinks he's ahead of the game.


Trying to conceive still sucks ass. And after reading all the books on how to prevent miscarriage and help increase fertility, I have come to the conclusion that we need to go back to the old ways of using glass, growing our own foods, growing our own cotton which we then weave into clothes, and raising our our meat and eggs. It is crazy scary what is in our food and clothes. Even our detergents. A few things we've changed around here:

- no more plastic. All glass storage containers. If we MUST use plastic, it is for carrying something only- not for cooking in.
- using certified toxic-free detergent. Did you know that most of our detergents have carcinogens in them?? WTF??? Walmart sells a line that is toxic-free. I can't even believe that needs to be a "new" product.
- All organic fruits and veggies and meat.
- Double filtered water.
- Whole milk only. Did you know that when the fat gets separated from the milk to make it lowfat, it leaves hormones behind that can directly affect fertility??? And that's what's being recommended our kids drink!
- Replacing all "non-stick" pans with good old fashioned iron skillets. Stick all you want, I'm not eating chemicals any more!



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