Heart attack and then some
Last night we were watching the news, only to see that this touched down in the small rural town where I keep my beloved horse.

This F3 Tornado (yes, that's a picture of the actual tornado) left a path of destruction over 13 miles long, and I couldn't get a hold of anyone to tell me that the barn or the house were still standing.
Can I tell you right now how much I LOVE the internet? Because at 10pm last night, I was online tracking the path of the tornado in comparison with google maps to see just how far north of my beloved horse's home the tornado weaved its destructive powers. And the answer- not far. But, I had enough relief to think that all was fine. No names of the hospitalized matched up, none of the pictures of smashed properties looked familiar. But as of this morning, I had still heard nothing. With one foot out the door to drive there, I got an email finally stating all was fine, and the tornado indeed landed north of where my horse is at. Thank freakin' god.
I love my horse, as I love all creatures who depend on me for my care, but I have joked sometimes that a lightning strike wouldn't be such a terrible way for him to go. Last night, I was freaking out that maybe some God had taken me seriously, and the bile kept rising up in my throat. Good god, I never actually really meant that. I mean, yes, he's a VERY expensive lawn mower, and not even a riding lawn mower at that, but he's a living, breathing, loving creature with a fantabulous sense of humor that I would hate to see wiped off this earth in a whirlwind of destruction. I'm so glad that all four of his disfunctional and non-earning feet are still on the earth tody.
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