Saturday, August 26, 2006


Evan has learned some pretty hilarious things in his past 26 months on this earth, but so far, my favorite skill is his negotiating skill. It's amazingly clever. Of course, his pretend-to-snore-on-the-couch-like-daddy skill that he is practicing as I type this is pretty freakin' hilarious, too, but I digress.

Evan's vocabulary is insanely amazing. He has more words than I could possibly count. However, the problem is that I'm usually the only one who can clearly understand him, and when I say "clearly", I mean I can translate as long as the conversation applies to the situation we are immediately involved in. "Mama, ni hab booberdy jeddy?" is obviously "Mama, can I have blueberry jelly?" when we are standing in the kitchen. But throw that line at me while we're at the zoo, and uh, well, I just start guessing.

Now the fun part about the guessing game, is that Evan has learned that if he throws something tricky into his conversation, I'll start to guess. And when I guess correctly, he says "O-tay!" with a big grin. And because I smile when I get it, too, it's a good game, and he likes to play it. And he's GOOD. So good that he has learned that he can turn it around so that it sounds like I'm offering up an idea that he can say "O-tay!" to. Which, I have to admit, he uses on me frequently, and it's so damn cute, I sometimes just have to give in. "Mama, topilat tip tootie?". Um, ok, I'll bite, though it may be 7am and I haven't had coffee yet. "You want a chocolate chip cookie?" Big grin, "O-TAY!" Hmmm... this kid is way too smart.


At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. You really are the only one who can translate the Evan to English dictionary.

But yer right, that O-tay thing is freakin' adorable. I told Bryan and he is convinced that your son is a genius. Laugh out loud funny.


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