Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weigh In

Today, I stared at plates full of the yummiest cookies ever, and ate an apple. Yes sir, I sat at a bake sale for over 4 hours and didn't touch anything but a WW Mint Patty and an apple. Of course, I got home and had 2 cookies and a Rice Krispies Treat, but that was my breakfast and my lunch, and the main point is, I didn't feel like I was being deprived or that I needed to come home and eat an ENTIRE PLATE of anything. Because right now, in my kitchen, are over 15 batches of yummy stuff for the bake sale tomorrow. And I don't want to eat any of it.

Having cookies in my kitchen and not feeling like I absolutely need to eat them? Mark that on the calendar! So without further adieu...

This week's weigh in (one day late because I worked my ass of yesterday and collapsed in a heap into bed after midnight without remembering it was weigh in day...)

This week: -1.6 lbs!
Total loss: -5.8 lbs.

Or, as WW likes to illustrate, I have lost a sack of potatoes, and just a smidge more.


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAHOO! Congratulations sack of potatoes:-)


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