Saturday, April 26, 2008

Evanisms: Age 3 Years, 10 months

Man, our kid is almost 4 years old. How did that happen? We have the most awesome, most independent, most intellectual almost 4 year old around, and I love him to pieces. He constantly amazes me, and teases me, and loves me, and every day I learn more about myself because of him. He is my heart.

We were planting new flowers around the tree in the front yard, and he helped like a little trooper, eager to dig the holes and water the newly planted flowers. When daddy came home that night, he said, "Daddy! Today mommy and I planted Daffydils and Tula-toops!" Daddy was proud.

Evan's hardest thing is life is saying goodbye. And I guess, its' everybody's hardest thing. But he takes leaving his friends or family to heart, and it hurts him deeply each and every time. I know someday he'll be ok with leaving, but for now, he is not. But somewhere deep inside of him, he knows he's not supposed to act so sad, but instead of just waving and saying goodbye, he will always get upset, cross his arms and say, "I don't want to see you again. I'm not coming over again. I will NOT say goodbye." Poor guy. I guess he has it figured out already that if you don't say goodbye, it can't hurt.

Lately everyone we know seems to be pregnant. The other day we were looking at my friend's ultrasound pictures of her twins, and Evan looked at me very intelligently and said, "Mommy, do you have a baby in your tummy?" And I said no, but I would really like for one to be there. And he thought about it for a minute, and he said, "Mommy, I don't want you to have a baby in your tummy. I don't think I would want a baby in this house." I asked him why, and he thought about it and said, "Because babies are boring". Then I reminded him he would be the big brother, and he could boss his baby brother or sister around, and when they got bigger, he would always have another kid to play with in the house. He thought about this intensely, then brightened a bit, and said, "Ok, Mommy, sure, sure. You can have a baby in your tummy. I YUV to be da boss. Dat means I'm da one in charge!" Don't I know it.

Our newest game is silly names at bedtime. Usually, the names are made up and nonsense words, but suddenly Evan gets it that certain words are even funnier if you add them to Mommy or Daddy. Our names were usually "Mommy Glah-ga-bug" or "Daddy Mususuma"- things along those lines. But, T\the other night, he looked at me with a big grin and said, "You're a stinky mommy foot!" and cracked himself up to the point where he couldn't breathe.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Kate said...

So adorable. I love "Daffydils and Tula-toops" - how cute!


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