How Do You Spell Relief? P-L-A-Y-D-A-T-E

Today, we've turned that corner of "oh man, is hubby's trip over yet" to "thank God it's almost over!". Of course, that's optimistic. There are still 8 days to go. But still, that's waaay fewer than 14.
Thankfully, today was another beautiful day, so we planned an outing at my sister-in-laws. A couple hours of playing with cousins' toys and running like a madman at the cool new park down the street. Factor in a phone call from Daddy the night before, and we have a sleeping kid at 10:45 pm.
I know some may think "Your TWO year old is just going to bed??". Oh, believe me, I had hoped for a 9pm bedtime tonight, but tonight was Grandma's night. She doesn't believe in bedtime routine. And last night, after not wanting to nap all day, little E fell asleep face first on the floor at 5:50pm. Sigh. Last night was tiring, too. But tonight, victory! Tonight, my little boy who is cooperative and almost happy to go to bed is back, even if it was at 10:30pm. That, in itself, is a blessing.
Hopefully, from here on out, bedtime is back to normal. God, I hope so. So I'm going to kick back, have a glass of wine, watch a little Cobert Report, and be on my way to dreamland.
Night all!
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