Friday, December 29, 2006

Today's Weigh In

I'd like to say that I was good for Christmas, but I wasn't. I didn't keep track of points, and I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. It was wonderful. I knew that I'd pay the price, which I'm sure I will with my weigh in today, but really, the price I paid was how hard it was to get back on track. I'm still not on track with eating. I used most of my points yesterday on stupid sugar cookies I barely like. Thankfully, my husband had a late lunch, so my dinner consisted of carrots and a few pickles to quell my salt craving. And then I got on the treadmill for 45 minutes, which would have been great, except I was starving about an hour later, so I chowed down on Wheat Thins and Port Wine cheese. Didn't even keep track of how many, I just know it was waaaay too many.

So, my goal today is to be good. To make sensible choices. And then to weigh in this evening. If I weigh in now, I'll be discouraged for today, and I don't want to blow that. I have to get back on track.

Stay tuned...

Added 12/30/06 at 3:15pm: Oops, totally forgot to weigh in last night, so I weighed in today instead, full of all sorts of weekend feasting. Oh well. Here goes:

Weight change since your last recorded weight +0.4 lb
Total weight change to date -6.2 lb

So I gained weight. Not much, but still a step in the wrong direction. If my son takes a nap, I'll get on the treadmill. I'm having a hard time with the late night urges again, thanks to my Christmas binging. Ack.

Added 12/30/06 at 5:15 pm: I got on the treadmill after feeling like a lard butt, and weighed myself before I showered. I know it's water weight, but here's the thing: I don't care. I'm recording it and using it. So there.

My entry above will be corrected to:
Weight change since your last recorded weight -0.2 lb
Total weight change to date -6.8 lb

Ha. So there. It's still a loss, water or not, so I'm going with it!


At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for the treadmill!


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