Wednesday, January 17, 2007

OOOOP, It Didn't Work!

Conversation tonight while Little E was in the tub:

"What are you doing?"
No answer.
"Hey, are you trying to poop?"
Strained Answer, "yyyes!"
"No poop in the tub! Will you poop on the potty?"
Thought real hard, "yes!"

So I lifted a soaking wet little boy onto the big potty which, until this moment, he has acted like it will either a) set his ass on fire or b) swallow him whole. We haven't even been able to get him to sit on the little potty unless he has pants on. Yes, pants ON.

"Ok! Try to go poo-poo!"
A good try on his part.
"OOOP, It didnit wert!"
"That's ok. Try again. Ready, go!"
Another good try on his part.
"OOOP, It didnit wert again!"
"Ok, one more time! Go!"
This time, in an effort only a mom can appreciate, a little pee comes out instead.

Much celebration was done, including a prize from the Potty Prize Box (another story moms desperately trying to potty train would appreciate), a rambunctious run downstairs to tell Daddy, "I WENT PEEPEE IN DA POTTY!!!", where multiple rounds of high fivers took place, followed by a Hershey's Kiss and lots of hugs.

And so I give you, THE first peepee in the potty. Aren't you lucky.


At 7:23 AM, Blogger Krissy said...

Okay, that is too cute. YOU GO, LITTLE MAN!

We've had peeing in the potty for months around here. I haven't pushed it but I'm sensing that pooping in the potty is going to be a whole different ballgame.

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!


And I can totally hear his cute little voice in my head.



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