Monday, January 01, 2007

The Year In Review

Instead of making up lots of things that I want to do with the next year (that I more than likely will not follow through on), I thought I'd take a look back at the milestones and accomplishments of the year past.

- Successfully managed a new non-profit to a status of greater recognition and success in the first year of it's life.
- Celebrated a 2nd wedding anniversary- happily!
- Celebrated the 2nd birthday of my beautiful son, who is as smart as a whip and has a great sense of humor- my greatest accomplishment ever.
- Lost 6.8 lbs (still working on that one!)
- Severed ties with a person who was bringing me down- yay me!
- Became even closer with my in-laws on my husband's side, making our family stronger.
- Tolerated a dinner with my father's mistress-turned-live-in-girlfriend successfully. Also tolerated (though not well) having her attend my son's birthday party. For those who know me, you she's lucky she was allowed to set foot in my house. But I digress...
- Attended my 10 year high school reunion, only to find the only people I really wanted to see were too chicken to show up, which made me feel brave for having the balls to show up myself.
- Because of the non-profit work, I have been in the newspaper twice.
- Got my picture taken with Cesar Millan, Dog Whisperer. Ate dinner with him, too. Nice guy.
Went on my first plane ride with a child across country to San Diego. Way fun.
- I have personally fostered 16 homeless dogs in my house, all of which now have homes of their own.
- I have cleaned the floors more.
- I have put my laundry away faster.
- I have kept the sink cleaner.
- I have vacuumed more often.

I do have resolutions this year, so I guess I'll write them down anyway.

1. Lose 15 pounds and keep it off.
2. Get pregnant (which would somewhat omit resolution #1, in which case I would then resolve to still exercise and eat well with this pregnancy, so I don't become the pudge I am today!)
3. To continue to improve in my laundry-putting-away skills.
4. To call my friends more.
5. To spend more time on myself.
6. To regulate the time between business and home better.

Nothing too hard, but still a large undertaking, as I am a creature of habit.

I hope everyone had a great New Year! Happy 2007!


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