Sticky Note to Self: Start SOMEWHERE!
So is the story of my life that I have so much to do, I don't know where to start. I could start with the perpetual pile of dishes in the sink that won't put themselves in the dishwasher because the clean dishes in the dishwasher won't put themselves away. Or the monstrosity that I like to call "laundry pile" that, by this time, has taken on a life of itself, and if I give it a few more days, will be yanking me to its side to be its slave, much like Princess Leia became to Jaba the Hut. I could start by simply dusting, but once you start, you can't stop, can you? Because I am fine with dusting any glass that shows noticeable 2 year old fingerprints or a nice blanket of dust that I could write my name in, but I tend to believe the wood furniture can hold its own against the army of dust bunnies. There is also no need to dust any higher than I can see.
But I am good at pretending my house is clean. I vacuum Monday through Friday, thanks to the Gods at Dyson. I really, truly like pulling all the crap out of our carpet. By the end of the week, I could've knitted a blanket out of all the dog hair our Dyson picks up. It's an addiction, really. I keep the immediate downstairs area clean, so that anyone walking in the front door can think my house is clean all over, but my poor husband knows better. We've got dust bunnies hopping all over the place upstairs.
Just like my house, I have been trying to find someplace to start with writing. So finally, I started somewhere. I started here. Mission accomplished, for now.